A Collection of Artistic Works of Direct Association and Dubious Taste

As commissioned, drawn, or just liked by Sudrien

All works tagged "Jade Harley (Homestuck)"

anicream (aka ani, Nancy Zha, nacho_ani)

catshop (aka catshops, marissa)

cosmicsynthetics (aka enterthedwelling)


fudgeapple (aka fugeapple)

jesseth (aka altamaranempire)

kadaashi (aka kadaazhi, neophyte-redglare, waywardvagaboned, zazzerpanties, mothergrub)

leijonnepeta (aka pshikel)


MorbidOptimist (aka klon, morbidoptimisim, themorbidoptimist)

null_mi (aka starrrryskies, starrrry-skies, sdoaa, null-mi, cosmic-assist, _nullmi_)

nyallipop (aka doomed, marcelina, marskeleton, mimz, nyallipoop, doomedmaid)

othersharks (aka az, cloudy, ryan, mediarama, media.rama, sadanimerobots)

redandblacktac (aka ike, redblacktac, bimbosparkle)

sqbr (aka alias-sqbr, sophie)

thisintermezzo (aka sage)

tomatop (aka reagan, TopToma)

wiltschis (aka quinn, komaeska, 8Calc)