A Collection of Artistic Works of Direct Association and Dubious Taste

As commissioned, drawn, or just liked by Sudrien

All works tagged "Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)"

AlinaJames (aka AJ)

Allison Stankov (aka Stabby, Stabkov, stabcosplay)

Anastasia Rybakova (aka skelesexual, cottonhide, emotionpants)

anicream (aka ani, Nancy Zha, nacho_ani)

araneapeixes (aka dolofang, legendoflesbians, darkbunny)

archego-art (aka feferian, kee, keeye, tilling-tan)

Ashlie Lloyd (aka yuashlie6, purpleskulldog, purpleskulldog-artsystuff)

brandy (aka thelibrandy)

bushime (aka Bushouji, bushiderp, princebun, bunprince, pierrotprince, 9r4v3y4rd, tragedylink, naiz0)

catshop (aka catshops, marissa)

chazzerpan (aka chaz, chazzerporn)

chelseabjones (aka lovelynobody00, teaofrage, yerlosing, bumbleshark)

choombie (aka chuchumi, wheatiesquares, Annie Lee)

clarke (aka clarkedyclarke)

CleoNova (aka captivecaptor, Cheyenne, CleoNova, cleonovaart)

corazonburn (aka gaynessaround, jotorao, robottoknight)

cosmicsynthetics (aka enterthedwelling)

dann (aka danekez, davediddlystrider, dannkez)

datrump (aka boss)


dissimulationed (aka lopsidedsmiie, lopsided.smiie)

DS (aka David, stevenq, leorefare, trinoids, macintalktrinoids, macintalk, royalfoalsitter)

ephemeralcuriosities (aka audiophilekitsune, jose)


faetedlyfae (aka witchyfi, faeryphos)


fruitegg (aka n-award)

fudgeapple (aka fugeapple)

ghostdj (aka Fluori, ghostprincess)

halitepale (aka Riley-Renegade, RileysWhimsicalWoes, I-Am-Jubilee, Reily, whimsycallow)

haunthospitals (aka brutus#8990, jesse, e-slasher, apatchoulii, delta9uppy, bungh0st, glitterzipper, ch3rrycupid, id-brutus, mossedsocks)

icacus (aka Phoenix Suits, radphoenixartstudio, ghosttelf, iccacus)

jesseth (aka altamaranempire) Latest works

kadaashi (aka kadaazhi, neophyte-redglare, waywardvagaboned, zazzerpanties, mothergrub)


kenji (aka KenjisArtDump)

Kikane (aka strawberrieNinja, strawberrieninjarts, Suzu4649, strawberrieninja, marleez, strawberriewoof, kikane)

_l1ch3n_ (aka lichen)

leijonnepeta (aka pshikel)



longtalon1 (aka datemate, subject875)

Max (aka glub-on-it, Zaagn)

Max Breland (aka maximum_frills, maximumfrills, mothmaneggsoup, Siims2, nukajoy_97, 70degree, 70degreeart, whoreofdoom, wiitchofdoom, hajubug, sisterjr)


MorbidOptimist (aka klon, morbidoptimisim, themorbidoptimist)

msfemboss (aka alex, hakkari)

namtan (aka ema)

neisha_marie (aka screaminglullabies, vantasass, nisha, niesha, magickalmeltdwn)

null_mi (aka starrrryskies, starrrry-skies, sdoaa, null-mi, cosmic-assist, _nullmi_)

nyallipop (aka doomed, marcelina, marskeleton, mimz, nyallipoop, doomedmaid)

othersharks (aka az, cloudy, ryan, mediarama, media.rama, sadanimerobots)

phrutt (aka Logan, gummiflesh, gladism, mulmembra, upsetflesh, cicadacarcass)

planetofjunk (aka mindwipe)

professorgoogoo (aka areyouonfireyet, caitlin)

pumpkiinmiilk (aka karma, howl, KARMACORE)

pungoeshere (aka radioactivititties, dogexmachina, pungoeswild, thehorrendousspacekaboobies)

queenoftheantz (aka Myra)

redandblacktac (aka ike, redblacktac, bimbosparkle)

Rose (aka meowzza, rosey, smoochiest, abigail)


Shelby March (aka maretriarch, stageshow, bloodpusher)

sudrien (aka sudriennei)

tacoeating (aka Jordan, tacoeating)


tearzah (aka silenthillnouta, tearzahs, dollieguts, 120mg, cherubicide, dreamalgia)

tomatop (aka reagan, TopToma)

tuv (aka tuv23)

variegatedviews (aka leanmeanjolyne, sylph-of-bass, kmbackwardsk, greebledgoblin)

Vitya (aka rain-ame, rainpony, moonsugarstars, kanrose, taesuga, venn)

Vree (aka Vriska, vrisky8its)

wiltschis (aka quinn, komaeska, 8Calc)

yahinata (aka yahinatakz)